We’d like to thank Atlanta’s Professional Care Providers
At SouthCare, we recognize the importance of professional caregivers who support families faced with advanced illness. From hospice workers to nurses, counselors to clergy, the role you play in the lives of grieving families is crucial and can often go unnoticed.
We see first-hand how much you give of yourself to help. Taking care of you is the last, and often unmet, item on your to-do list. And we want to thank you.
We share a kinship with Atlanta’s care provider community. We understand the sensitivity and compassion that goes into helping families face the loss of a loved one. So we want to offer as much support as possible to make your job easier. Not only can we assist families with final arrangements, we also can help you, the care provider, by being a resource for end-of-life care and grief management, support and recognition.
Hospice is rooted in the centuries-old idea of offering a place of shelter and rest for weary, sick and dying travelers. We hope you’ll allow SouthCare to provide you a place where you can recharge and regroup. The Atlanta community needs you, and we’re thankful for your hard work and dedication.
With much gratitude,
The Staff at SouthCare