Exclusive Members Only Referral Program
All of us at SouthCare know how important it is to plan ahead. As one of our society members you have already made a wise choice. You are in a prime position to share the importance of that decision with your friends and family. At SouthCare we believe planning ahead is so important that we want to show our appreciation and thanks by offering a $10 membership bonus for anyone you refer. Here is how it works:
A friend or family member visits our membership page: www.southcare.us/membership
They select the number of memberships desired
They add their membership(s) to the cart and click on it
Click the checkout button and complete the membership information. Under how did you hear about us – be sure they select “member referral” and complete your information (Name, Email and Phone Number)
Click continue, pay and submit the membership
It takes about 10 minutes & Membership cards should arrive within 10 business days
Or call 888-473-0662 for membership assistance
Click Here to see all of our membership Benefits. Click Here for Terms and Conditions