Planning your end-of-life arrangements in advance gives you the ultimate peace of mind. It allows you to create a unique, memorable service that reflects your wishes while easing the burden of decision-making for your loved ones during a difficult time.
In addition to planning in advance, you also have the option of paying in advance and securing a lifetime Price Lock™ guarantee, which covers the major expenses associated with cremation or funeral services.
Since 1994, SouthCare has provided Atlanta residents a simple, affordable alternative to the high-cost of traditional cremations and funerals at other funeral homes. With a low one-time membership fee, you have access to our team of caring professionals to create a detailed plan for your cremation or funeral, including discounted member pricing. Your documented wishes and vital statistics are kept on file in our offices and shared with your family or next-of-kin when needed.
Membership in SouthCare’s Cremation and Funeral Society gives you peace of mind knowing that your family is relieved of the burden of making difficult decisions at a challenging time. Thousands of families have chosen to join SouthCare Cremation and Funeral Society™.